No one likes to be around greedy individuals. Covetousness repels people from you. It does not draw them closer to you. When we allow ourselves to covet our neighbor’s blessings, we start to pull away from community with them. We cannot allow jealousy, pride, anger, bitterness, resentment, and gossip to start sneaking its way into our lives. It pulls us away from others as we become critical and judgmental of the people around us.
God never intended for us to live with this toxic behavior. It literally eats us away from the inside out. He created us to live in harmony with each other, encouraging one another, blessing one another, and rejoicing with one another.
Romans 12:15-16
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
If we cannot rejoice when others are blessed, it is a sign that we have become toxic. Do not let covetousness isolate you from living in community. Covetousness always tries to compare. However, when you compare, you always lose. We were never called to compare ourselves with others. We are called to compare ourselves with who God has called us to be. You will never succeed in being yourself if you are always trying to be like someone else. When you are who God created you to be, you do not need to worry about being anyone but you.
If you find yourself jealous of others, let it be a warning of the sickness within you. And like any sickness, it needs a cure. The cure comes from being grateful and thankful for all God has given you.
“You will never succeed in being yourself if you are always trying to be like someone else.”
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