I remember one day sitting at my office years ago working on the computer the day before a huge summer camp we were taking our youth group to, I was dealing with the AC system in the camp so I called http://performancebasedheatingandair.com/, the Sonora HVAC to fix it one day before leaving . I was finishing up some administrative work and I felt the sudden urge of a sneeze coming on. However, it kept lingering and teasing me until finally it arrived. To not spray my computer screen I turned my head to the side to let the sneeze out. Now, let me stop here, as my wife would want you to know that when I sneeze it is a monumental event. I am known to scare anyone around me as well as wake up anyone sleeping within a 4 mile radius if I sneeze. I figure you might as well let it out with passion and purpose, so I take full advantage of my opportunity to let the foreign particles release from my body. Anyway, I sneezed out my normal colossal sneeze with my head turned to the side and when I did I felt the most horrific snap in my neck. My head was literally stuck completely sideways and tilted down toward the floor. I freaked out thinking that I broke my neck. I could not move my neck from the position it was in. It was causing so much pain and I couldn’t do anything about it. Quickly, I came running down the hallway from my office into my wife’s office and scared her as I was screaming. We then collected ourself enough to call a friend of ours who was a Chiropractor (Dr. Scott Little) and he agreed to see me even though it was late into the evening, after hours. Thankfully he adjusted my neck and set me straight as he worked his magic. The next day I was better and able to go to camp and didn’t miss a beat.
The point is my neck was not ruined for life, it just needed some adjusting to get it back on track. My fear in the moment tried to make me think I broke my neck and I would never be the same. You see, failure can cause our fears to kick in and make us think we are done. Fear of our failure will paralyze us. We can get stuck in-the-mud by fear. Sometimes our life just needs some spiritual chiropractic care (also true in case of the pediatric chiropractic) that will adjust our focus back to where it needs to be. Failure does not kick us out of the game, it is simply a time-out to re-adjust our game. We re-adjust our failure by improving and learning from it.
We tend to over-exaggerate our failure. What started small can turn into a monster when our emotions and self-worth are effected by failure. But the reality is it just takes some small adjustments to get back on track. Remember the transparency machine we were talking about? To get it back into focus you have to adjust the lever on the side to get the lens where it needs to be. You wouldn’t throw the machine out if it was out of focus, you would simply adjust the machine. Many times we want to give up when we fail. We have a throw-me-away mentality. We say, “I’ll never do that again,” or “It’s too late, I already messed it up.” Don’t let failure cause you to throw yourself away. You are not a machine that needs to be thrown away, you just need some adjustments. Failure is about course-correcting and constant re-adjusting.
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