God will always provide for His call on your life.
Did you get that? Don’t read it too fast and pass over the power of that statement.
The provision of God will always resource the will of God. And you can take that to the bank every time. He will come through when He is involved!
You are not limited by anything. So many of us get discouraged when we don’t understand how God is going to do the impossible in our lives. But when did it ever become a part of faith to understand the how? We typically never fully understand the how on the front end. Faith requires the unknown or it wouldn’t be faith; it would be trusting in facts, plans, and calculations. No one that accomplished great things ever started with knowing how God would provide and come through in their life, but they trusted anyway.
God wants to do incredible things in you and through you…but it will require faith. Faith that steps out even when you don’t understand. Faith that steps out even when you don’t know how. Faith that steps out even when it seems impossible. Faith that moves mountains starts before the mountain ever moves.
I am sure you are facing something in your life, right now, that you need faith for. I want to challenge you today to raise your level of faith. Because, when you raise your level of faith, your level of faith will begin to raise you. It will lift you above the impossible into the possible. it will lift you above the problems into the possibilities. It will raise you above the questions into the solutions.
So, what are you believing God for right now?
Remember, where God guides, He always provides. He is Jehovah-Jireh, meaning The God Who provides. Crush the discouragement and negativity as you live in the realm of faith. God wants to use you to do amazing, never allow the enemy to steal that from you.
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