If you allow fear to manipulate you, you will never try new things. If you are afraid to lose, you will never truly win. Greatness requires some sacrifices.
Two specific sacrifices you must make are FEAR and PRIDE. All negative forces stem from those two elements. Fear will tell you that it will never work, and pride will reinforce that statement by saying you’ll be viewed as a failure when it doesn’t work. Fear and pride are siblings that taunt your potential. You’ll never extract solutions if you allow these two bullies to determine your possibilities. They control most people, but successful people sacrifice them on the altar of productivity.
Failed experiments are how you journey to greatness. Understand that failure is not bad unless you make it bad. In and of itself failure is neutral, it’s what you do with it that makes the difference. Failure can be the best thing that happens to you. You can see it as a roadblock or a stepping stone…your choice. If you see it as a roadblock, you will avoid it at all cost and eventually come to fear it. However, if you see it as a stepping stone, you’ll be free to try new things and learn from it as you become better as a result of it.
Failure is not fatal; it is simply part of the growth process to success. Robert Kennedy said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” It’s comfortable to play it safe, but playing it safe is actually the riskiest place to be. Never be afraid to experiment with your future for the sake of being comfortable with your present.
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