What you look at is what you see. Sounds simple, but it is more profound than you may think. You see, where your focus goes, your energy flows. What you focus on is what you will get more of. Our focus adds fuel to the fire, good or bad.
Most people are struggling in their life because of what they choose to focus on. And I choose the word choose because no one can force you to focus on something, that is your doing. Just because you are facing challenging circumstances does not mean you have to be consumed by them. Just because you are facing hardships does not mean you have to focus on them. When you focus on your problems they become bigger. But when you focus on God’s power your problems become smaller.
So what are your eyes locked in on? What do you spend your time focusing on? It’s one thing to have problems, it’s a whole other thing for your problems to have you.
We are called to walk by faith…not by sight…2 Corinthians 5:7 (ESV). Not choosing to focus on your worries, doubts, and fears is not an excuse to ignore reality, it just means your faith is greater than your problems. As followers of Christ, we are not immune from difficulties, we are just insulated from them. We believe our God is bigger than our problems and therefore, we don’t have to worry about them.
Let me give you 3 things to remember when facing difficulties:
1) There is Purpose in Pain
What you are facing is growing you into the person you need to become. No pain…no gain. The more we embrace purpose in every circumstance the more we can endure. We know there is purpose in the midst of our pain.
2) There is Power in Perspective
When we see through God’s lens everything becomes smaller. God is able to do more than we can ever think or imagine. We are empowered when our faith fills our life. Nothing can stop a person with God’s perspective.
3) There is Potential in Problems
Problems are opportunities for God to show Himself strong through us. It’s through adversity that we get an advantage. The greater the problem, the greater the potential for something incredible to happen. See problems as opportunities for God to show up in a powerful way! Keep the faith.
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