Creative people create…that’s why they are creative.
Sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? Almost too simple to even write, but don’t underestimate the complexity behind that sentence. Many people spend a lot of their time daydreaming and never doing. They plan, but don’t produce. You can never finish something you never start. I talk to people everyday that have great ideas, dreams, and plans, but they never seem to do anything. They are always talking, but never creating. This is what separates the dreamers from the doers. Dreamers have to wake up and start doing eventually. If you want to be more creative and more successful you have to get going.
Here are some reasons why people don’t create…
1) Too Lazy
Sounds harsh, but it’s true. We all suffer from simply being lazy. Of course we would never call it that, we would call it tired, too busy, overworked, over-stressed, you name it…we all have our excuse word. But the truth is if we really wanted to do something we would just do it. Stop making excuses and figuring out reasons why you can’t do something, and start figuring out how you are going to do it.
2) Too Confused
Many people have ideas but they are all fragmented about in their head. They would love to start but are overwhelmed by where to start. For this issue, my advice is to first sit down and spend some intentional time strategizing a plan. If you need help, get a coach to help guide you through the process. It is amazing what happens when you have someone who can help draw out the best from within you. Sit down and pick a starting point and just get going. Don’t wait to have it all figured out, just start.
3) Too Perfectionistic
Perfectionism kills productivity. Perfectionism causes paralysis, which causes procrastination, which causes problems. If you wait to do something until it’s perfect you will never do anything. Innovators are the ones who started with what they had and made it better over time. You have to get a result to improve a result. Quit trying to improve something you have not gotten yet. The faster you can get out your rough drafts and ideas the faster you can improve and build upon them.
4) Too Critical
If you are always criticizing your work, you will eventually give up in despair. Critical thinking is good, critical judgment is bad. Most creative people are not happy with what they’ve done, but they do it anyway. Yes, we always need to be getting better and challenging ourselves, but for goodness sake ease up on your criticism. Learn to be at peace with your creative efforts. It may not be the best, but it is your best at the moment. Learn from it and make it better, but own what you can do.
Stop the excuses and get going…there are unbelievable ideas inside of you waiting to be unleashed!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.