I am so excited to announce the new FAITHOLOGY PODCAST coming in April. I am going to be launching a show that will be filled with ideas, interviews, and inspiration to rock your faith. This will be available on my blog as well as on iTunes for listeners. I am believing this podcast to make a significant impact in people’s faith journey. And I am asking you to join with me in prayer and support that it will do just that. I am so grateful that you are reading this post now for 2 reasons…
- I am honored to be able to add value to you through the content on this blog. My hope is that each time you are reading a new post that it will inspire you to live life to the fullest.
- I am asking for your support through prayer and subscribing to the podcast when it becomes available in April. As the podcast inspires you I ask that you let others know about it so they can experience the same opportunity.
I truly believe that the more we surround ourselves with great resources the more we open the door to opportunity. God tends to use others to give us exactly what we need just at exactly the right time. I know that God has always, and still does, use the wisdom and experience from others to speak into my life. My calling in life is to help people live out their calling. I can think of no better way to live than to live for the glory of the Lord and to inspire others to do the same. My life has been given for the sake of that call. Thank you so much for reading this and allowing me to somehow, someway, at sometime share the amazing things God has taught me thus far on my journey! And it’s only going to get better, so be ready!
Thank you for being a part of my life, and thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life!
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