Ancient Israel was experiencing a drought that was causing disarray and starvation. But Elijah had a message from God for them…check it out…
2 Kings 3:16-18 (NKJV)
16 And he said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’ 17 For thus says the Lord: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.’ 18 And this is a simple matter in the sight of the Lord;
God is basically saying, “Listen, I’m going to do something supernatural. In fact, you’re not even going to see the rain. You’re not even going to see the wind. If you think you’re going to figure it out logically, don’t bother. I’m going to end this drought with filling the ditches with water, but there’s one thing you’ve got to do…dig”
We see this pattern all throughout Scripture. God is, in a sense, continually saying, “Go dig the ditches.” What was He doing? He was testing their faith. He was seeing if they were willing to prepare themselves. It’s one thing to believe God, to say, “God, I believe you can make it rain.” It’s a whole other thing if you let it affect your behavior by being willing to go dig a ditch. You’re putting yourself out there before it even happens. You’re preparing the ground before the provision is seen; that’s faith.
Many people can clear the hurdle of expecting God to do something, but they don’t follow through with preparing for the supernatural. They’re not positioning their life in a place where God can use them. I hear a lot of people say, “I would love to go on a mission trip and serve God by impacting people.” Sometimes I’ll look at them and ask, “If you were to get a call next week, could you leave immediately?”
They typically say, “Well, no.”
I respond, “Why?”
They say, “Well, I don’t know. It would probably be $1,000 to get a plane ticket to go somewhere. Then, I’d have to get off work, and I don’t know what I would do with all my responsibilities.”
They need a year to prepare. Can I tell you the people that God actually uses are the people that already started setting back $50 a paycheck. They’ve already got a little fund that’s growing for a mission. In full expectancy, they are preparing for a phone call, for God to open up the door for them to be used.
I talk to people all the time that say, “I would love to do what you do, John. I want to get up in front of people and inspire them and speak to them. I just wish I had an audience to listen to me.”
I look at them and say, “That’s great. What are you doing now?”
They typically say, “Just waiting for God to open up the door.”
I think, well, have you been preparing messages? Have you been asking God to give you a message to give to people? Have you been working on it? Have you been taking advantage of small opportunities? What about your coworkers? Have you practiced encouraging them and just talking to them about God? What are you doing right now to prepare yourself? If you’re not faithful with the little and you’re just waiting for the big supernatural thing, why do you think that God’s going to open that door? He opens the door up for those that are not only expecting but preparing for his move. They’re showing an act of faith to say, “God, I’m willing to do this.”
Start preparing now for what you are believing God for. Step out and dig your ditch today.
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