Solving Problems With The Right People

It’s said that 2 Horses can pull about 9,000lbs together. How much do you think 4 Horses can pull? You would assume 4 Horses can pull 18,000lbs. However, 4 Horses can pull over 30,000lbs together. Teamwork doesn’t double your effort; it multiplies your effort. There is a compound effect that occurs when creative collaboration takes […]

Do You Have Enough Play In Your Life?

Play is what makes life enjoyable. It’s what balances our well-being. All work and no play equal psychological disarray. If you studied some of the most successful people, you would find several common denominators among them. One of the denominators is that they all have passionate hobbies. For example: • Former President, George W. Bush, […]

Your Perspective Determines Your Attitude

You can never choose all that happens to you, but you can always choose what happens in you. No one No one and nothing can make you miserable without your permission. Your outlook determines your attitude. Remember, S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D is just D-E-S-S-E-R-T-S spelled backward. Change your perspective and you can change your attitude. Stop complaining about […]