John Barrett
3 Ways To Grow Your Optimism

Every person sees the future through one of two lenses. These lenses determine how one approaches their decisions. Here are the two lenses: Scarcity – the belief that there is a short supply Abundance – the belief that there is more than enough Your outlook will determine your opportunities. I have yet to meet someone […]
The Net: Lesson #5
The Net: Lesson #4
The Net: Lesson #3
The Net: Lesson #2
The Net: Lesson #1

Matthew 13:47 – Once again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net… Jesus spent much of His time with fishermen and fishing. He spent His time around the shores and lakes. The fisherman of old would be astounded by the technology we have available today. They did not use devices like gillnets or trawls, […]
Are You Looking Down?
Are You Creating Experiences?

All experiences are not created equal. Contrary to what you may have heard, experience is not the best teacher; educated experience is. There is a big difference between the two. Experience doesn’t teach you anything unless you take the time to learn from it. It is not enough to simply go through a situation; you have […]
Are You Hearing The Word?

Romans 10:17 (NKJV) So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. When I was in high school, we had a massive snowstorm two weeks before Christmas break, resulting in four weeks off school! This seemed like a dream come true as a teenager, but I quickly realized that there wasn’t […]