Are You On Guard?

Jesus never promised that when we choose to follow Him, everything would be easy. But, He did promise that He would be with us in the midst of the storms. Life with Jesus does not mean it is always smooth sailing, but it does mean He will guide us through it all.  John 16:23: “In […]

4 Ways To Get Comfortable With Failure

One of my mentors, Paul Martinelli once said, “I am so ridiculously comfortable with failure it makes other people uncomfortable.” Now understand Paul is not speaking in cliches. In fact, he has been named one of the world’s most successful coaches in the industry. Most likely you have heard the importance of failing forward and […]

Is Your Bible Falling Apart?

Charles Spurgeon once said, “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.”  The Word of God is essential in your life. It’s not a supplement to your spirituality. It’s not a snack for your spirituality. It’s your life source. You can’t truly know God fully without knowing His word.  Unfortunately, we get […]