John Barrett
Are You Asking For Faith?
Working Worship
How Is Your Acknowledgment Meter?

What would happen if we had an “acknowledgment meter” that measured our thoughts and actions throughout the day? Pretty scary thought isn’t it? Especially when we are flying through our busy day without even a thought cast in God’s direction. Acknowledgment is a big deal throughout the scriptures. The stakes are high when it comes […]
Colossians 3:2 Breakdown
Never Forget This…
The Price Tag

Did you know the famous artist Pablo Picasso burned many of his paintings to stay warm when he was facing extreme financial problems while living in Paris? Can you imagine taking your masterpiece paintings that you spent an immense amount of time on and using them as firewood? Well, Pablo did! I am not sure […]
4 Ways To Be Fully Present

If you want to stand out in today’s culture practice the art of being fully present. Unfortunately, this practice is a dying art in our modern digital life. Just take a look around the room next time you’re sitting at a coffee shop or restaurant; you’ll see the majority of people looking at their phones. […]
Never Be Alone

We were created for community. Certainly, we are always better together. There is strength in numbers, and there is safety in groups. Jesus taught this concept without question. Matthew 18:20 (NIV) For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. When you’re separated from the pack is when the enemy […]
The Freedom of Forgiveness

If you want to be better tomorrow than you are today, you have to learn to forgive yourself for the mistakes and failures you may have made. Unforgiveness towards yourself and others traps you in a prison of discontentedness. It paralyzes you, keeping you from truly stepping out. Unforgiveness chains you down, not allowing you […]