John Barrett
The Supernatural Is Not Always Logical
Just because your logical mind can’t conceive of something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You see, there are many things in your life that you have not logically figured out, but they still happened or still exist. Throughout your life, you’ve experienced things that you just can’t explain; they just happened, whether good or bad. […]
Are You Prepared For The Supernatural?
Ancient Israel was experiencing a drought that was causing disarray and starvation. But Elijah had a message from God for them…check it out… 2 Kings 3:16-18 (NKJV) 16 And he said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’ 17 For thus says the Lord: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall […]
The Guilt-Free No
No is overemphasized, yet still completely underused. We have all heard how we need to say, “No,” but to this day, with all the motivational tips, we are still bound by our inability to say this simple, yet powerful word. Saying, “no” allows you to pull back and focus on what matters most. It opens […]
Guardrail Choices
Inner commitments create external guardrails. Your core values act like a rudder for your decisions. When you pre-commit to a certain behavior, it is much easier to discipline yourself to follow through in the moment. Being prepared for what lies ahead empowers you to be successful when you get there. I like how boxer Joe […]