Guardrail Choices

Inner commitments create external guardrails. Your core values act like a rudder for your decisions. When you pre-commit to a certain behavior, it is much easier to discipline yourself to follow through in the moment. Being prepared for what lies ahead empowers you to be successful when you get there. I like how boxer Joe […]

Standing On Faith

Standing firm is about planting your feet on Christ, the Solid Rock. We must stand on our faith and trust that God is bigger than our circumstances. Standing firm requires you to rest upon a strong foundation. When we have a strong footing on the Word of God and His promises, we can stand on […]

I’ve Got A Crazy Idea

You are only one idea away from a major breakthrough.  Ideas are the breeding ground for success. A simple thought can become the catalyst for a life-altering future. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” People are not limited by their bank accounts, friendships, or even opportunities, they […]