Don’t Be A Caterpillar​

A gentleman named John Henry Fabre conducted an experiment with Processionary Caterpillars. They are so named because of their peculiar habit of blindly following each other no matter how they are lined up or where they are going. This man took a group of these tiny creatures and did something interesting with them. He placed them in a circle. For […]

A New Look At Stress

Stress destroys more people than most other factors combined. It’s the arch-enemy of longevity. A doctor friend of mine told me that the majority of the patients he sees have health issues related to high levels of self-imposed stress.  Staying in the game is increasingly difficult when more and more responsibility gets put on your […]

How To Make A Difference

Understanding how to invest your time only happens when you recognize what gifts God has given you. Identifying your strengths helps you identify your purpose. The other day my daughter asked me, “Daddy, are there some people that don’t have any talents?” I quickly answered, “Everyone has talents.” She then responded, “Yeah, but, some people […]

Say “NO” In Order To Say “YES”

Taking time for yourself is essential if you want to be successful. Sometimes, you have to get selfish if you are going to achieve a healthy balance of work and recovery. Always giving without receiving eventually leads to burnout. Most people’s life ratios today look like 9:1 output, leaving a 1:9 input.  You can only […]

What’s Your Excuse?

Your excuses will always sound good to you. Do you know why? Because the enemy knows exactly how to entice you to think you don’t have enough. You’ll actually hear a voice say, “I don’t have this…” and it will actually make sense to you. You’ll think, “Yeah, I don’t. I don’t have the money, […]