Forgiveness Knows No Boundaries

Forgiveness knows no boundaries. Think about this…Jesus forgave you before you even did it. That is a mind-blowing thought. He initiated forgiveness before you even knew what you did. Forgiveness is not conditional upon the degree of what you did, it’s unconditional upon the love of Christ. There is no wrong act that is above forgiveness and […]

Change of Perspective = Change of Possibilities

How you view circumstances will determine what you do with them. You can either breakdown or breakthrough, it’s your choice. We must remember that circumstances aren’t happening to us; they are happening for us. When you change your perspective you change your possibilities. One wrong view can change the whole course of what you do. […]

Get Unstuck

To live life with intentionality you must be decisive. Indecisiveness prevents action and kills opportunity. Analyzing every detail stalls forward progress. William Arthur Ward said, “The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities; the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision.” Many people are stuck in the paralysis of analysis. They are drowning in […]

Are You Filtering Your Thoughts?

Our thoughts have a fixed value. Godly thinking increases our faith, but negative thinking decreases it. Be aware of the results your thoughts will generate. Do not welcome destructive, defeated, and distracting thoughts. There is no value in negativity. Quit thinking the worst and start thinking the best. Understand that circumstances are not happening to […]