John Barrett
How To Know The Path You Should Be On
Be Broken But Not Guilty
2 Ways To Experience The Impossible

Never say never. A great phrase that is more spiritual than we think. Remember, we serve the God of the impossible. The God that has complete power and authority to do anything and everything. Imagine if we actually lived in the faith and peace that God can make things happen of out of nothing. Imagine […]
Prayer Is Entugchano

Prayer builds our faith and effects change in others’ lives. Jesus is our model for prayer. He separated Himself for times of prayer and intercession. Even now, He intercedes for us in Heaven. Romans 8:34b (NIV) Christ Jesus who died–more than that, who was raised to life — is at the right hand of God […]
Be A Good Frog
Why The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side
Where Are You Looking From?
I Hope You’re Facing Roadblocks
The Hardest Person To Lead

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, “If you would create something, you must be something.” Empowerment is about improving your ability to lead yourself and others effectively. How you go through your leadership journey is just as important as what you go through. Being empowered to operate at your best enables you to experience the best. […]