Caffeinated Christianity

Do you ever feel like you’re destined for so much more than you’re currently experiencing? Like you haven’t yet become all you’re meant to be? Sure, some days, you’re in the zone, doing exactly what you were created to do, but other days you feel like you’re stuck in the mire of life. The truth […]

My NEW Book

Life Is Simple, It's Just Not Easy

Hey everyone, I am so excited to announce my new book Life Is Simple, It’s Just Not Easy is available now on Amazon! Life is simple, it’s just not easy. An old saying with a timeless truth. Most people are trying to figure out life while it’s passing them by. They want to be successful […]

What You Do Have Brings You What You Don’t Have

Quit saying you don’t have what you need and start thanking God for what you already have. Too many times we’re always focused on what we don’t have we miss what we do have. We’re constantly frustrated, we’re always complaining, we spend more time whining about what we don’t have than being grateful and recognizing what […]

Every Day Is A Performance

Life is a performance. It is a full-on production of the greatest story ever told. Shakespeare once wrote, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts…” Shakespeare knew that life is our opportunity to […]

New Year…New You

Get ready for 2019, its here soon! A new year can bring a new you. I love the start of each year with the opportunity for a fresh reset. We need markers in our life that keep us focused and moving forward. In fact, research has proven that anticipating an event actually produces the neurochemicals that […]