John Barrett
What Do You Fear The Most?

Fear is a powerful force that can disrupt our life. It is responsible for almost every problem we face. The word fear comes from the Old English word faer, meaning sudden ambush or attack. That is exactly what fear does; it attacks our faith. It keeps us from living out our full potential. Here is a […]
Life Is Precious…Don’t Waste It
10 Quick Tips To Become An Encourager…

The greatest skill that you could ever develop is to be an influencer. It’s the one thing that you need to become in order to do succeed with others. Your capacity to change the world is dependant on your ability to influence others. It’s the greatest tool you have to make a difference. The dictionary […]
Are You Learning How To Hear?

God tends to meet us at our level of expectancy. The greater our faith the louder His voice becomes. Think of faith like a signal booster––it amplifies the sound. Many people struggle to hear God’s voice in their lives because they simply doubt they will be able to hear it. You can’t expect to hear […]
How Your RAS Is Controlling Your Life…

In order to concentrate, the human brain is wired to focus on only what it absolutely needs to focus on. This is called your RAS (Reticular Activation System). The RAS is located at the base of the brain and acts as a filter against unnecessary data. We are receiving million of data signals all throughout […]
4 Ways To Be A Better Vacationer

There is a massive problem in our country centered around the inability to vacate. This problem limits people to fulfill their God-given potential. But we must understand that we cannot be our best if we don’t know how to rest. Research has shown that employees who take consistent vacation days receive better scores on their […]
What We Can Learn From A Struggling Father & Possessed Boy…

The level at which you think will determine the level of your results. In fact, the size of your thinking will naturally produce its outcome. Small thinking produces small results; big thinking produces big results. God tends to meet us at our level of expectations. In the gospel of Mark, we read a crazy account […]
Self Talk Determines Self Worth

Words are not only powerful, but they’re prophetic as well. They can become a self-fulfilling prophecy of our future. We all have conversations with ourselves in our minds. In fact, I would argue that the most important conversation we daily have is the one with ourselves. There is no one you spend more time with […]