John Barrett
Proximity Changes Perspective

The closer you are to your challenges, the less you are able to see past them. Challenges are neither big nor small in and of themselves. It’s what you compare them to that makes the difference. For example: is your house big or small? Well, that’s a relative question, right? Compared to a tiny house, it’s […]
This Determines Your Spiritual Capacity…
How You Are Delaying God’s Blessing…

Why would someone believe God is going to bless them when they are complaining about the blessings they have already received? I once knew a guy who always complained about how little money he made at his job and about how little opportunity there was for him to make any more. Yet when his employer […]
Why Happiness Helps Creativity

There was an old milk commercial that stated: Happy cows produce happy milk. This commercial was actually based on scientific research that proved happier cows literally produce more nutritious milk. In a study published in the Journal of Endocrinology, researchers from the University of Wisconsin, Madison found that cows who were exposed to Serotonin (a natural chemical […]
Superhero Strengths

Like all superheroes possess superpowers, we too, all have a superpower. Our superpowers are our unique strengths. They are the skills we inherently possess. The more we can grow our strengths, the more we can make a difference. But you can only improve that which you are aware of. So, if you are unaware of […]
God’s Economy vs Our Economy

God’s economy and our economy is totally backwards from what comes naturally to us. They are in conflict with one another. In fact, it could even be confusing to some. Here is what our economy teaches: Our Economy: What we GET determines what we GIVE This concept is based on a scarcity mentality. Scarcity is driven […]
Keep Your Influence In Check
5 Ways To Respond To Your Failures…

You’ve failed! These two words were the most feared combination throughout school. In fact, I can remember having nightmares after graduating high school that I failed my classes and would never get out. These dreams haunted me for a few years even though I was done with grade school. Growing up we are taught that […]
4 Ways To Manage Your Spiritual Energy

Tony Schwartz, the founder, and CEO of Energy Project has conducted tremendous research and training with high performing people. He is one of the leading authorities on productivity. Check out what he wrote in a New York Times article: “More and more of us find ourselves unable to juggle overwhelming demands and maintain a seemingly unsustainable […]