3 Necessary Tips For Overcoming Problems…

American psychologist William James said that the art of being wise is, “the art of knowing what to overlook.” Every day we are bombarded with challenges that can derail our focus. Situations don’t go our way, unforeseen circumstances arise, and people…well, people can blindside us with attitudes, hurt, and offense. If not careful our day […]

Season’s Reasons

Every season has a reason. By simply experiencing the beauty of each season, we can see the vast array of artwork God chose to use. The spring…He paints the rain and warm breezes as nature begins to come alive on the canvas. The summer…life is in full bloom with the lushness of the trees and […]

Are You Running From Fear Or Running Through It?

Fear is responsible for almost every missed opportunity. It is the archenemy of progress. Most people don’t realize how much fear they really possess…or rather, I should say, how much fear possesses them. The moment we give in to our fears is the moment we cease growing. All true progress takes place just beyond the […]

Happily Ever After Sucks

We have all heard it said, “…and they lived happily ever after…” What a shallow ending! If happily ever after is all we are waiting for, we are missing out on something even better. Don’t get me wrong…happily ever after is good…but it’s not great. There’s an ending…that is actually the beginning…that is far better […]

How To Tell If The Enemy Is Taunting You Or If God Is Teaching You…

We all struggle with knowing the difference between the enemy taunting us and God teaching us. The tension between knowing if our situation is a trial we should escape or a testing we should embrace. We certainly don’t want to give the enemy blame for something God is doing, and we don’t want to give […]

Love Is The Greatest

Mother Teresa said, “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” If there is a word that should define Christians, it is undoubtedly the word…LOVE. Being a follower of Christ revolves around the central idea of love. Love is what defined Christ, and love is what should define […]