FP Episode 8: The 4 C’s To Get More Time

Session Summary: In this episode I talk about the importance of time. Why is it that some people appear to have more time than others? Why is it that some people get more done than others? The answer is in God’s Word. Listen to the 4 C’s to get more time and number your days […]

Bringing Your Boldest Self To Your Biggest Challenges

Inspired by Amy Cuddy

I recently read a great book called “Presence” written by Harvard Physocolgist & TED Talk star Amy Cuddy. My wife and I had watched her TED talk on “Your body language shapes who you are” a few years ago and were greatly impacted by it. In fact, we still do power posses every now and then (you have […]

FP Episode 7: How To Pass The Tests

Session Summary: In this session I talk about how to pass the tests of life. Everyday we face a series of tests that come our way. It is what we do with these tests that determine if we pass or fail. Our future is deponent upon the ability to pass the tests that we face. […]

Big Thinking Creates Big Problems

4 Tips On How To Successfully Deal With Problems

Everyone has problems. No one is immune from having difficulty in life. Though we strive to live a problem-free life we will never truly attain it. And if you do…you aren’t truly living anyway. We know we’re growing when we have problems. Problem-free living is actually a bigger problem that not having problems. You see, the bigger the […]

FP Episode 6: Priority Prayer

Interview with Lisa Flake

Session Summary: In this episode of the Faithology Podcast I interview a good friend and incredible prayer warrior that has literally been all over the world praying for communities, organizations, and people on location. Lisa is involved with several organizations that put prayer as a high priority in their mission. She shares about some great […]