FP Episode 5: Faith On The 7th Floor

Interview with Benjamin Hampton

Session Summary: In this session I interview a good friend and overcomer Benjamin Hampton. Benjamin is a great example of what it means to be faithful in challenging times in life. His story will inspire you and give you hope. We all have, are, or will face the 7th floor in life. It is what […]

Critical Faith Corrupts Crucial Commitments

Having critical faith corrupts the crucial commitments it takes to move forward. By definition alone, faith requires an optimistic commitment to an unwavering belief for the future. Critical and cynical faith is an oxymoron, it doesn’t fit together. When we are cynical about our belief it corrupts our faithfulness. James 1:6 (NIV) But when you […]

The Beit Principle

I am officially coining a concept called the beit principle. The beit principle says: If you want to become something then be it now. I know…super deep combination of be & it…beit. We have heard the statement “Fake it ’till you make it.” But what about… “Be it ’till you become it.” You see, if you […]

FP Episode 4: “Words”

Session Summary: In this episode I talk about the power of words. They literally have the power to change your destiny. I also share about the amazing revelation God gave me about the word COMMUNICATE, you don’t want to miss this. There are 5 areas we communicate with and we have to get these 5 […]