John Barrett
Murphy Is Not Your Friend

Murphy’s Law states: Anything that could go wrong, will go wrong. Though historians are not sure who coined this phrase, we all intuitively know this to be a truth in our life. In fact, I ascribe the law as a variation of Jesus’ advice when He said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I […]
FP Episode 3: Living In The Middle Of The Mattress
Interview with Chris Page

Session Summary: I am honored to have special guest Chris Page (Senior Pastor from Hoosier Harvest Church) with me on the podcast today. Chris is one of the most consistent guys I know in terms of mood, attitude, and genuineness. In this episode he shares why it is so important to live in the middle […]
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Extracting Entrepreneurial Endurance Within Yourself

You are an entrepreneur; no matter if you own an official business or not. The word entrepreneur is defined as: a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Your enterprise is you and it requires considerable initiative and risk to accomplish great things! Every entrepreneur knows […]
Guest Post: Phil Barrett
No Regrets
How “How?” Will Kill Ideas
Strength or Willingness
What should leaders look for?

What is more important strength or willingness? If you are looking for new up and coming leaders what trait is more valuable? Of course both are, but if you had to choose one or the other what would it be? Check this out… Numbers 13:1-16 13 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Send men to explore Canaan, which I’m giving […]
FP Episode 2: Marriage Friends
Interview with Erin Barrett (my wife)

Session Summary: Every successful marriage is built on friendship, communication, and serving. In this episode my wife and I have an open talk about marrying your best friend, keeping the eros flame lit, and serving your spouse. We sat down on our anniversary and had a great conversation that will add value to you and […]
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3 Ways To Be Less Responsibly Irresponsible

Not long ago our youngest daughter (who was 7 at the time) was working on her weekly devotion. The question my wife read to her was… Are you usually responsible or irresponsible? Our daughter sat back and thought it about for a moment, then carefully said, “I don’t know how to answer that. I mean…sometimes […]
How To Never Forget Anything
4 Tips To Maximize Your Ideas

Wouldn’t it be nice if we never forgot anything? Well…you can. Are you ready for the secret? It’s deep, so brace yourself…here it is… WRITE IT DOWN I know super profound right? Actually, it is. The majority of people do not write down their ideas and therefore they disappear. Earl Nightingale said, “Ideas are elusive, slippery things. […]