FP Episode 1: 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Daily

Session Summary: In this episode I kick-off the FAITHOLOGY PODCAST talking about 5 questions you have to ask yourself in order to grow your faith. Remember: You are only one idea away from a major breakthrough. I believe that if you ask yourself these 5 questions daily, and align your actions accordingly, you will begin to see your […]

Faithology Podcast

Coming Soon April 2016

I am so excited to announce the new FAITHOLOGY PODCAST coming in April. I am going to be launching a show that will be filled with ideas, interviews, and inspiration to rock your faith. This will be available on my blog as well as on iTunes for listeners. I am believing this podcast to make […]

What Is Your Leadership Language?

Every organization has a language by which they communicate their true beliefs. The leaders, the employees, even how the customer talks about the organization make a significant impact on the moral and future opportunities. How we talk determines how things end up. Words have creative power and they have destructive power. They have the ability to […]

What Are You Standing On?

Have you heard the phrase, “Trouble in inevitable, but misery is optional?” There is more truth in that statement than we may know. The fact is, everyone faces trouble. No one is immune to problems. There are no such people who don’t face issues everyday; some small, some bigger than others. The issue is not […]

How Many Horses Do You Have?

2 Horses can pull about 9,000lbs. together. How much do you think 4 Horses can pull? You would assume 4 Horses are able to pull 18,000lbs. however, 4 Horses can pull over 30,000lbs. together. Teamwork doesn’t double your effort, it multiplies your effort. There is a compound effect that occurs when creative collaboration takes place. […]

Great Leaders Know How To Conquer This…

To be a great leader you have to conquer yourself. You have to come to a place where you slay your own fears, self-worthlessness, failures, pride, worries, and limits. The best leaders are the ones who are confident in who they are. Not because of ego, but because of healthy self-assurance. Philosopher Lao Tzu said, “He […]

How To Unlock Creativity

Innovation requires humility. Humility to realize you don’t know everything. We only grow by admitting we don’t know. Coach John Wooden said, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” People who think they know how everything works never open themselves up to learning new information. The truth is, it’s after you know something […]