How You Can Interrupt Interruptions And Get More Done…

Interrupted time is one of the biggest enemies of innovation. It interferes with progress and distracts from discipline. One of my goals this year in my own life is to have DISCIPLINED DETERMINATION, which is my way of saying…”focused time to get things done.” If you want to be more productive in your life you […]

Where Could I Go

New worship song

I am very excited to announce that my new song “WHERE COULD I GO” has been released on iTunes, Amazon Music, Spotify, and all the other major platforms. This is an original worship song that comes from Psalm 139. One night sitting at the piano I was reminded of this encouraging verse and this song […]

Don’t Go Into 2016 Until You Do This…

Just one day (after today) left until 2016. Part of being creative is reflecting. The most creative people are people of reflective thinking. They review everything in order to learn something from it. In fact, one of the main reason creative people are creative is because they spend a great deal of time learning from […]

Your Creative Time

2 tips to help you set aside time

Do you set aside time to be creative? I have found that most people don’t intentionally make time to be creative. They talk about it, hope to be, wait for the inspiration to hit them, but never make it happen. Therefore they remain bound in their limited possibilities. If you want to break out into […]