What Do You Do?

I find it amazing that people live a life doing what they hate to do. They are unhappy with their job, unhappy with where they live, unhappy with this and that…yet they never do anything about it. Some people view work as a prison. They are trapped and can never get out alive. I have […]

Where Did God Go?

Have you ever found yourself in a place of confusion, wondering where your joy went? It’s a common experience, isn’t it? But let me tell you something powerful: When you feel that way, it’s not that God’s presence has left you; rather, you might have drifted away from His presence. Think about it. God promises […]

Decisive Faith

To live life with intentionality, you must be decisive. Indecisiveness prevents action and kills opportunity. Analyzing every detail stalls forward progress. William Arthur Ward said, “The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities; the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision.” Many people are stuck in the paralysis of analysis. They are drowning in […]

Don’t Live With Regrets

For many years, Bronnie Ware worked in palliative care. Her patients were those who had gone home to die in the comfort of their familiar surroundings. She was able to witness some incredibly special moments while caring for them during the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. She ended up writing an insightful […]