How Is Your Body?

Proverbs 14:30 says, “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” Wow, our spiritual well being truly does effect our physical wellness. What we allow to enter into our lives can do more good or damage than we probably realize. I know many people who’s bones are rotting because […]

Inspiration Is The Pathway To Innovation

3 ways to get more inspiration in your life

Inspire: (verb) to encourage somebody to greater effort, enthusiasm, or creativity: to awaken a particular feeling in somebody [Latin-inpirare “to breath”] Inspiration births creativity. All art is an expression of inspiration. Art has to originate somewhere. The most creative people are the most inspired people. Wether that inspiration comes from joy & strength or hurt […]

In Money We Trust

While paying for an item I was purchasing the other day I pulled out some cash from my wallet and handed it to the cashier. As I was letting go of my hard earned cash (which is much harder than swiping a plastic card) I noticed the famous saying on our currency…IN GOD WE TRUST. As […]

Plan If You Want To Produce

3 tips to get more done

Unplanned time produces an unproductive life. The truth still remains…if you fail to plan you might as well plan to fail. I coach many people that have lost their edge because they are coasting rather than creating. They are a victim to procrastination, therefore they experience disorientation when it comes to their time. They have […]

The Willpower To Change

3 ways to DO it

Everyone wants to change something about themselves. It may be something small or maybe something big. It could be to… lose weight dress nicer read your Bible more exercise stop an addiction forgive easier be more outgoing The list goes on and on. All of us desire to be better. This is ok. We were […]

Setting Up Your Creative Space

“If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play.” – John Cleese Creativity is sparked when we are enjoying ourselves. Stiff, utilitarian, and dogmatic environments never free up innovation in the hearts of people. The more freedom we have the more innovative we can become. Emotions are the breeding ground for great ideas. Therefore, to […]

Remember: Your Team Is Motivated Differently

Every person on your team will have a different motivational style. Many leaders think that motivation is a one size fits all type of style. But each person is motivated by their specific flavor. Some people are motivated by external goals and tangible results while others are more internally motivated by feelings, emotion, purpose, and […]

Proverbs 13:3 Breakdown

Proverbs 13:3 says, “Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.” The way you speak determines the future you experience. This is why the wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, shared this great verse with us. Let’s break it down… 1. Those Who This principle applies […]