Leadership is about empowering others. Without power, productivity goes down. Check this out…
Temptation is the vehicle in which dreams become broken, potential gets abandoned, and strength becomes weakness. We all struggle with it…somehow…someway. Here is an exert from my new book FAITHOLOGY: 12 Ideas To Rock Your Faith concerning the 3rd way to protect yourself from TEMPTATION…you’ll just have to get the book to get the 1st & […]
Your schedule will dictate the quality and success of your life. How you use your time will determine how your life will be used. The key is to get innovative concerning your schedule. Most people let their schedule dictate what they can and can’t do, but not highly successful people. In fact, successful people decide […]
Leadership is about empowering others. Without power, productivity goes down. Check this out…
The more innovative you want to be the more you have to stretch yourself. Innovators stop innovating when they get stuck in environments that don’t foster innovation. Innovators need environment, meaning they need a greenhouse for their production. Let me put in this way…this is a section from my new book FAITHOLOGY… We will only […]
In my new book FAITHOLOGY:12 Ideas To Rock Your Faith I talk about the effects of “Mission Drift.” This Mission Drift occurs when we lose sight of the target we are aiming for. This can easily happen when it comes to our own life mission and organizations face it as well. Mission Drift happens to […]
I am so excited about my new book FAITHOLOGY: 12 Ideas To Rock Your Faith. This resource will inspire you and equip you with specific ideas to experience all that God has for you. Check out the book trailer.
The book is available on these 4 platforms…
1) The John Barrett Company ($12.00)
Thanks so much for your support, and I pray the book raises your faith!
Innovators have an inward drive that pushes them to be vulnerable. If you don’t put yourself “out there,” you will never use your abilities to the fullest. Never let bad experiences in the past keep you from having great possibilities in the future. Always have a forward mind-set and let go of the past. This ensures […]
Here are 4 questions to ask that will indicate someone’s strengths… A) What are their passions? The areas people are most passionate about usually involve their strengths. By simply listening to the ideas that ignite their excitement will give you clues to their unique gifts. Find out what they read about, think about, and ask […]