3 Tips To Organize Your Creativity…

Benjamin Franklin said, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” One of the greatest flaws many creative people have is the inability to organize themselves. For some reason we have come to believe that creativity is being unorganized and fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants. However, this thinking limits innovation. Unorganized people are not being creative, they are […]

3 Ways To Destroy Your Cynicism And Unleash Your Creative Power

Albert Einstein said, “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” I do not believe he was endorsing plagiarism, but he was endorsing creativity. You see, creativity comes from other people’s ideas. There is NOTHING new under the sun. If you are waiting to create something brand new that no one has ever […]

How To Climb Up To A Whole New Level Of Your Destiny…

Whenever you have the courage to step out beyond your comfort zone and into the unknown, there is always the potential to discover new lands of opportunity. These new lands of opportunity appear through pursuing new ministries, stepping out and expanding relationships, and taking big and bold steps out of your fears. A mother eagle understands courage. […]