A few years ago, I was invited to southern California to speak at a leadership conference for high school students. My week was filled with amazing opportunities to share with the students. I had a great time teaching them leadership principles to live by. The day of my departure, a large group of teenagers approached […]

Matthew 23:12 “For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” God honors the humble. He lifts them up to a higher place of favor and provision. You see, God’s economy and plans are backwards to what we are taught in the “world.” The world says in order […]

Just like plants need a greenhouse to grow, we need a greenhouse for our thinking. When the environment is conducive to thinking we will produce great thoughts. Having a specific place that we think is a great idea in itself. If we do not enjoy the process of thinking we will never do it. You […]
The most important person you will ever lead is…check out the video…

In the light of the new movie that came out a while back called, Fifty Shades Of Grey, I thought I would weigh in on the subject. I have seen and heard Christians bash the movie with the utmost hatred and disgust for the film. Though I have not seen the movie, nor read the book, I […]

“Capital isn’t that important in business. Experience isn’t that important. You can get both of these things. What is important is ideas.” – Harvey Firestone Ideas are what make the future better. Without innovation all things become stale and lifeless over time. An organization’s most important commodity are ideas. I remember watching an interview with Steve […]

Driving a car for too long without taking proper care of it is a recipe for disaster. This is a recipe I know by heart. Car trouble has seemed to follow me my whole life! My last car was no exception. It had been in the shop for overheating, the engine leaking oil, the air conditioner […]
God is the ultimate quarterback. Are you the ultimate receiver? Check this out…
There are 3 kinds of people when it comes to time…check out this video and decide which one you are.

It’s said that one day, Frederick the Great of Prussia was walking on the outskirts of Berlin when he encountered a very old man walking ramrod-straight in the opposite direction. “Who are you?” Frederick asked his subject. “I am a king,” replied the old man. “A king!” laughed Frederick. “Over what kingdom do you reign?” […]