Leaders awaken potential within others. They inspire when they…
1. Believe The Best In Others
2. Build On Failures
3. Be The Example
Check out the video and be an inspirational leader…
Ideas will change the course of your life, that is if you act on them. Ideas that have only been thought about do nothing if no action is attached to them. On their own ideas are powerless, unless they become a reality by living them out. Many people have great ideas, but they fail to implement them […]
Leaders awaken potential within others. They inspire when they…
1. Believe The Best In Others
2. Build On Failures
3. Be The Example
Check out the video and be an inspirational leader…
This is one of my most favorite passages where Jesus talks about goal setting. He lays out a phenomenal plan that we should always follow when we are planning our future…let’s break it down… Luke 14:28 28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to […]
The dictionary defines innovation as, a new idea, method, or device. By definition alone, we should all seek to be innovators. An innovator is someone who comes up with new ideas, methods, or devices. In order to be successful in life we must seek innovation. The good news is that anyone who pursues personal growth […]
How would you define success? Here’s what I have found in life…Whatever you determine is valuable is what you will spend your whole life trying to get. So check out the video and take some time to define success for your life.
I am convinced that everyone has goals. Everyone wants to either lose weight, be healthier, make more money, gain influence, achieve a higher sense of purpose, finish a project, etc… The question I want to ask you is not… “Do you have goals?” The REAL question I want to ask you is… “Do you have a […]