3 Tips To Never Give Up…

Thomas Edison said, “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this – you haven’t.” The only way you truly give up is to give up. Sounds simple but the truth is nothing is impossible until you give up. Once you give up the possible slips into impossible, not because it is impossible, but because you […]

Devil’s Advocates Are From The Devil.

Doers are those that make a difference. Don’t-ERs are those that don’t make anything but excuses. In order to make a significant impact in life, you need to have a do-type-attitude. The kind of persistence and perseverance that causes you to step out when everyone else stands down. Doers are not crowd followers, they are […]

You Are Dead.

Our culture is fascinated with Zombies…over the last 50+ years ever since the movie White Zombie with Bela Lugosi, Zombies have become on the rise (no pun intended…or maybe it is…). Anyway, there are books, movies, TV shows, comics, stories, survival guides, on the famed topic of Zombies. The truth is Zombies are real and […]