John Barrett
How Much Are You Worth?
You Have A Disease You May Not Know About…
Listeners Learn Lots

We learn and grow by asking questions. One skill everyone needs to learn is how to ask questions and listen to other’s wisdom. Socrates taught that the quality of the questions we ask will determine the quality of the life we live. When we seek to understand, we will be understood. I am amazed at […]
We Do NOT Worship Before An Audience Of One…
I Have A Heart Condition…

There is a lot of money and study put into the research of the human heart. We have made some amazing discoveries with technology revealing the functions of the physical heart. But the most powerful and revealing study that we could ever do would be the study on the condition of our spiritual heart. The […]
A Puzzled Mess…

Since it is already Christmas time for the Barrett household we started a new tradition. We are going to do a Christmas puzzle each year. So for the first time ever, my family has been working on our very first one and we have already finished it a little earlier than anticipated. I thought we would […]