Never Lose Sight Of This…

Don’t let unmet expectations crush your hope. When we set our sights on a specific outcome that doesn’t pan out, it’s easy to feel frustrated and hopeless. Expectations can be a powerful force, but they can also derail our emotional well-being if we don’t handle them properly. Many of us struggle when our expectations don’t […]

You Are A Slingshot

I want you to think about a slingshot.  Imagine yourself holding that slingshot, ready to shoot something powerful out into the world with incredible force. But here’s the secret: it must be stretched and tensed before what is in it can fly. The further you pull back without breaking it, the farther it will go. […]

Volunteering To Love

Raise a hand. Step forward. Volunteer yourself. Take the initiative to show love. You can’t truly love others while looking to be loved. It must come from a place of selfless ambition. Pour yourself out, not expecting anything in return. This is unconditional love. It’s not a matter of manipulation or recognition. A volunteer, by […]

En Theos

Have you ever seen something that just didn’t make sense? How about finding two things that really don’t go together? Here is a list of oxymorons (incongruous expressions) that I came across. How many do you use in your everyday conversation?  These phrases may sound contradictory, but there is nothing more contradicting than a grumpy […]

What Say You?

Our words have tremendous power. God used words to create the universe; by them, He spoke the world into existence.  Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) “The tongue has the power of life and death…” What a terrifying and amazing tool we have right in our mouths! Our tongues have the power of life and death. Nothing else […]