John Barrett
The 3 Types Of Time Keepers…Which One Are You? Hopefully #3
Your Thoughts Determine Your Direction
3 Ways To Shut The Door…
Are You A Child?
The Names of God
Check out this message I did about the Names of God…
2 Words That Changed The World…
What Is Your Secret Name?

Names have a lot to say about someone’s identity. Think about it…when you hear someone’s name you immediately think about who they are, their characteristics, and their traits. Names describe something to us. Names are powerful. Many people, in certain social environments, love to name drop. They love to tell of all the famous people […]
Do You Have A LOVE LIST?

Once while Jesus was traveling and speaking about the Kingdom of God He had an interesting question asked to Him… Matthew 26:36-40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and […]
Camping Out In The Front Yard…

My family went camping for the first time not too long ago. My wife and I took our two girls out into the deep, deep, dangerous wilderness a.k.a. my in-laws front yard. That’s right, at least fifty long feet from A/C, bathrooms, showers, and a refrigerator. We figured this would be a safe place to […]