John Barrett
Godfidence:Confidence Gone God-Sized

Confidence = Your Ability Godfidence = God’s Ability There is a big difference between confidence and Godfidence. Confidence is about what you can do, it is man-made, however Godfidence is about what God can do, it is God-made! It is great to have confidence, and we do need it, but Godfidence is an even greater […]
Godfidence…Never FORGET…

If you have not read this series on Godfidence do so here… Godfidence…Who Is Bigger? Godfidence…More Faith…Less Fear Godfidence…How To Get More Faith The third way we can get Godfidence in our life is… 3. Never FORGET God’s Faithfulness Too many times we tend to forget what God has done for us in the past. […]
Godfidence…How To Get More Faith

If you have not read the last few blogs about Godfidence check these out before reading this… Godfidence…Who Is Bigger? Godfidence…More Faith Less Fear So we have been talking about moving from confidence which is your ability into Godfidence which is God’s ability. One of the ways we have Godfidence is to grow our faith. […]
Godfidence…More Faith Less Fear

If you did not read my blog from yesterday Godfidence…Who Is Bigger? do so before reading this. Confidence = Your Ability Godfidence = God’s Ability The 2nd way to get Godfidence in your life is… 2. Have more FAITH than you do FEAR The scales will always tip to one or the other…faith or fear. We […]
Godfidence…Who Is Bigger?

Confidence = Your Ability Godfidence = God’s Ability There is a big difference between confidence and Godfidence. Confidence is about what you can do, it is man-made, however Godfidence is about what God can do, it is God-made! It is great to have confidence, and we do need it, but Godfidence is an even greater […]
Who Needs A Shield?
What You Need To Know About Jupiter…

A few weeks ago my family and I went to a planetarium to see a presentation about Jupiter. We were able to look through their telescopes and gaze at our moon and Venus. It was an incredible experience. Here are some interesting facts about Jupiter… If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh […]
How To P.R.A.Y.

Jesus taught us how to pray… Matthew 6:9-13 This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us […]
Who Has Powerful Prayers?

Prayer is a powerful tool that we as Christians posses. Prayer aligns us with God’s will and gets us under His blessing. Prayer is more than just words though it is about the heart. Eloquent prayers do not have more power or spiritual volume than a basic prayer. I think we sometimes think that the […]