You Need Heart Surgery

A lot of money and study is put into the research of the human heart. We have made some fantastic discoveries with technology revealing the functions of the physical heart. But the most powerful and revealing study we could ever do would be the study on the condition of our spiritual heart. The Bible has […]

Make The Choice Today

Inner commitments create external guardrails. Your core values act like a rudder for your decisions. When you pre-commit to a certain behavior, it is much easier to discipline yourself to follow through in the moment. Being prepared for what lies ahead empowers you to be successful when you get there. I like how boxer Joe […]

The Purpose of Grace

As Christians, we often hear about the concept of forgiveness being a significant aspect of God’s grace. While forgiveness is undoubtedly a crucial part of God’s grace, it is essential to recognize that His grace extends far beyond just this singular dimension. Grace is about empowerment. Grace empowers us to fulfill God’s purpose in our […]

True Worshipers

John 4:23 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when true worshipers will worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”   God is actively seeking those on the earth that are reflecting His glory. He is not looking for the wisest person […]

You Got It

Understanding how to invest your time only happens when you recognize what gifts God has given you. Identifying your strengths helps you identify your purpose. Years ago, my daughter asked me, “Daddy, are there some people that don’t have any talents?” I quickly answered, “Everyone has talents.” She then responded, “Yeah, but, some people might […]

Little Things

In life, we often want the bigger things—the grand achievements, the great impact, and the significant abundance. However, true abundance lies not in pursuing grandeur but in faithfully tending to the little things surrounding us. By developing our faithfulness in the small aspects of life, we open ourselves up to God’s provision for the bigger […]