There are two types of people when it comes to getting things done.
1.) Those that can’t do it
2.) Those that can do it.
Many people are conditioned to be can’t do it type of people. They have been told most of their life that they don’t have what it takes, they aren’t good enough, they are too this, too that. We can get so used to hearing, “you can’t do that” we can start to believe it about every area of our life. People carry the “can’t do it” mentality into every interaction they have. When you are told, “you can’t do it” you start to fear that you can’t do anything. Instead of hearing, “you can’t do it” in specific areas of our life we start to blur the lines into all areas of our life.
If we are not careful we will approach life with a can’t do it mindset. If we approach life with a “can’t do it” mindset we will miss opportunities that God brings us. President Ronald Reagan had a sign on his desk that read…It can be done. It was a reminder to him that there is always a way that things can be done.
We have to pay the “I can’t do it” price by giving up our negativity. It cost to give up negativity. Negativity comes easily and for free it is not something you have to try to do. It is easy to get negative and shrink back from opportunities because we simply don’t believe we can be successful. But we have to pay the price of belief, and that price is not an easy price. It will cost us our negative mindset that cowers us back in the shadows. It is hard work for some to keep themselves positive and their head up. Negativity is like water, it flows to the path of least resistance. If we don’t resist the negative mindset and the attacks of the enemy (who wants to destroy our faith) we will never experience the freedom to do what God calls us to do.
James 4:7
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
When you pay the price of keeping yourself positive and resist the negative fear you will begin to find freedom. Submit your negative outlook to God. Don’t walk around with your head down in self-doubt. God is the lifter of our head.
Psalm 3:3
But you, Lord, are a shield around me,my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
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