Category Archives: Faith
What To Think About When You Want To Complain

Difficulties are inevitable, but complaining is optional. I’ve heard it said that some people don’t just complain occasionally; they complain recreationally. We all know people who are tethered to negativity. The problem is that negativity and ungratefulness result in faithlessness. You can’t be your best while living in negativity. Some people miss out on being […]
How Do I Know My Strengths?

George Herman Ruth, known as Babe Ruth, played major league baseball from 1914-1935. He started his career as a pitcher for the Red Sox but later became know as the famous “Bambino Slugger” for the New York Yankees. During the season of 1923, he broke the record for most home-runs. He slammed 60 of them […]
Do You Have A Game Plan?
How To Have Braveheart Faith

One of my favorite movies, Braveheart, with actor Mel Gibson, shares the story of William Wallace, a nobleman who rose up to fight for Scottish independence from France. There was also a man named Robert the Bruce who fought alongside William Wallace. In the movie, he betrays William but then later rises up to lead […]
Are You Floating In The Ocean?
Don’t Stop Movin’
Spend A Month With Your Favorite Spiritual Influence
8 Simple Things You Can Do To Be A Good Friend

Friends are the chosen few people who will speak truth into your life through the good and bad seasons. Because they love you, they are committed to encouraging growth and refinement in your life. This means being honest with you about your weaknesses. Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde said, “True friends stab you in […]