Category Archives: Faith
Spend A Month With Your Favorite Spiritual Influence
8 Simple Things You Can Do To Be A Good Friend
Friends are the chosen few people who will speak truth into your life through the good and bad seasons. Because they love you, they are committed to encouraging growth and refinement in your life. This means being honest with you about your weaknesses. Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde said, “True friends stab you in […]
What Are You Eating?
What Words Do You Use?
Our words have tremendous power. God used words to create the universe; He spoke the world into existence by them. Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) “The tongue has the power of life and death…” What a terrifying and amazing tool we have right in our mouths! Our tongues have the power of life and death. Nothing else […]
Your Perspective Determines Your Attitude
You can never choose all that happens to you, but you can always choose what happens in you. No one No one and nothing can make you miserable without your permission. Your outlook determines your attitude. Remember, S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D is just D-E-S-S-E-R-T-S spelled backward. Change your perspective and you can change your attitude. Stop complaining about […]
When Was The Last Time You Asked For More Faith?
3 Ways To Grow Your Optimism
Every person sees the future through one of two lenses. These lenses determine how one approaches their decisions. Here are the two lenses: Scarcity – the belief that there is a short supply Abundance – the belief that there is more than enough Your outlook will determine your opportunities. I have yet to meet someone […]