Category Archives: Faith
Make Each Day Your Masterpiece
How To Invest T.I.M.E. With Your Family
The Father
Pass The Ball Forward

The only limit you have is the belief you have one. In 1906 football changed. The forward pass was legalized, but no one adopted the strategy. Instead, they clung to their traditional running and kicking. However, St. Louis University practiced the new play and implemented it. They outscored their opponents 402 to 11 that year […]
Am I Sitting At The Table?
The Stockdale Paradox

Years ago, the famous author Jim Collins wrote about a phenomenon that became known as The Stockdale Paradox. In fact, this is something in Psychology that is a mind-blowing reality. The better we grasp and accept this reality, the greater our opportunity to persevere through anything. The story of Admiral Jim Stockdale is unlike any […]
How To Be A Hope Giver

You will never give someone hope if you do not genuinely believe in them, and you cannot fake it when it comes to having confidence in others. Believing in people is more than just talk–it is about placing your trust in them. Businessman Harvey MacKay said, “If you wish others to believe in you, you […]