Category Archives: Faith
The Stockdale Paradox
Years ago, the famous author Jim Collins wrote about a phenomenon that became known as The Stockdale Paradox. In fact, this is something in Psychology that is a mind-blowing reality. The better we grasp and accept this reality, the greater our opportunity to persevere through anything. The story of Admiral Jim Stockdale is unlike any […]
How To Be A Hope Giver
You will never give someone hope if you do not genuinely believe in them, and you cannot fake it when it comes to having confidence in others. Believing in people is more than just talk–it is about placing your trust in them. Businessman Harvey MacKay said, “If you wish others to believe in you, you […]
Attitude Can Change Everything
The Parenting 411
Colossians 2:6-7 Breakdown
Let’s breakdown Colossians 2:6-7 Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV) 6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Live Your Lives In Him The Apostle Paul is reminding us to live IN Christ. Not just […]
How Is Your Hearing Lately?
Sand & Rock
Just as a house needs a strong foundation to build upon, our future must be built upon faith’s firm foundation. The stronger our faith, the higher we can build. When our life is built upon Christ, the Solid Rock, we can withstand the storms of life and grow into the fullness of our destiny. Jesus shared […]
Are You Expecting?
Our expectations are typically based on the assumptions we have about people or groups of people. The same is true of us. Have you ever noticed how your expectations become a reality in your personal life? Expectation is literally a self-fulfilling prophecy. We do this consciously and subconsciously. Remember the kid in grade school who […]
2 Types Of People…Which One Are You?
Life is a series of experiences that can shape and teach us for our betterment if we allow them to. Do-ers embrace the life lessons they learn from every encounter…good or bad. They see experiences as a stepping stone to the refinement of their character and are willing to take risks as a result. They […]