Category Archives: Innovation
Experiment With Possibiilites
3 ways to discover greatness

Some of the greatest discoveries of our time have come through experimenting with the unknown. It is in the exploration of new ideas that we uncover unknown possibilities. Just imagine if the early explorers would have stopped exploring, or inventors stopped inventing, or artist stopped creating. All greatness comes from the willingness to step out and […]
3 Ways To Grow Your Gifts
Innovation Gets Old

Pablo Picasso said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” Practicality can be the greatest enemy to Possibility. It’s not that it is the enemy, but it can become the enemy if not harnessed correctly. Practicality is either an asset or a liability. It becomes […]
3 Roadblocks That Kill Innovation

I recently read that according to an IBM study of more than 1,500 CEO’s creativity is the single most important leadership competency for enterprises facing the complexity of global commerce for today. And I read that an Adobe Systems poll of 5,000 people see unlocking creative potential as the key to economic growth. Innovation is […]
The 2 Phases Of Innovation

“Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” ~Theodore Levitt Innovators get things done, that is what separates them from merely being dreamers. They know when to wake up from dreaming and do it. If you can’t take your ideas and get them done you will never be successfully creative. There are […]
Knowing Your Creative Flow
the 3 things highly creative people do

Highly creative and productive people know their flow. They know how to tap into their creative juices. In fact, the most innovative people are more calculated in their performance than they are spontaneous. They KNOW 3 things that enable them to activate their creative potential without having to wait for the “feeling” to hit them. Here […]
You Are Creative So Just Accept It
3 creative truths you have to wrap your mind around

You are a creative person…period. That’s right, no matter who you are, where you came from, or what you do…you are creative. You may think…”Hey wait, I’m not the creative type John.” Well…I beg to differ. You were created by a great God for a great creative purpose. You were literally formed with the DNA […]
Creativity Requires Vulnerability
3 tips to releasing your creative potential

Creativity requires COURAGE. In fact the word courage comes from the French word Coeur, meaning heart. Courage comes from our heart. It takes heart to be an innovative person. In order to show your creative potential you have to display the courage to step out and be seen. This may be a skill you have, a […]
Getting Everyone To Like Your Ideas

“The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself.” ~ Bernard Baruch Great ideas need great explanations or else they will not be received. Everyone gets ideas, but not everyone communicates them well. Learning the art of communicating your ideas determines if your ideas get accepted. I have known […]