3 Necessary Tips For Overcoming Problems…

American psychologist William James said that the art of being wise is, “the art of knowing what to overlook.” Every day we are bombarded with challenges that can derail our focus. Situations don’t go our way, unforeseen circumstances arise, and people…well, people can blindside us with attitudes, hurt, and offense. If not careful our day […]

Why I Love Leadership…

It’s said that one day, Frederick the Great of Prussia was walking on the outskirts of Berlin when he encountered a very old man walking ramrod-straight in the opposite direction. “Who are you?” Frederick asked his subject. “I am a king,” replied the old man. “A king!” laughed Frederick. “Over what kingdom do you reign?” […]

The “DONE–DID–DO” Communication Technique

Communicating accountability is one of the hardest things to navigate. How many times have you said something to someone hoping to be constructive, but then it backfire when you did? Or how many times have you wanted to say something but never did because you were afraid of the backlash? This happens with spouses, kids, bosses, […]