What’s Your Excuse?

I have bad news for you…you are filled with excuses. That’s right…SO many excuses that you don’t even know it. In fact, the average person makes excuses all throughout the day…everyday. We are excuse filled people, always conjuring up a reason why we can’t do something. Wether it’s not wanting to exercise, eat right, study, […]

A Leadership Thanksgiving

Being that we just celebrated Thanksgiving here in the states it is fitting that we talk about a leadership thanksgiving. The more a leader can be thankful to his/her people the greater the success. Leaders need to express gratitude in 3 distinct ways: verbally, visually, and valiantly. Verbally There is a powerful force that comes […]

Bringing Your Boldest Self To Your Biggest Challenges

Inspired by Amy Cuddy

I recently read a great book called “Presence” written by Harvard Physocolgist & TED Talk star Amy Cuddy. My wife and I had watched her TED talk on “Your body language shapes who you are” a few years ago and were greatly impacted by it. In fact, we still do power posses every now and then (you have […]

Big Thinking Creates Big Problems

4 Tips On How To Successfully Deal With Problems

Everyone has problems. No one is immune from having difficulty in life. Though we strive to live a problem-free life we will never truly attain it. And if you do…you aren’t truly living anyway. We know we’re growing when we have problems. Problem-free living is actually a bigger problem that not having problems. You see, the bigger the […]

Extracting Entrepreneurial Endurance Within Yourself

You are an entrepreneur; no matter if you own an official business or not. The word entrepreneur is defined as: a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Your enterprise is you and it requires considerable initiative and risk to accomplish great things! Every entrepreneur knows […]

Strength or Willingness

What should leaders look for?

What is more important strength or willingness? If you are looking for new up and coming leaders what trait is more valuable? Of course both are, but if you had to choose one or the other what would it be? Check this out… Numbers 13:1-16 13 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Send men to explore Canaan, which I’m giving […]