What Is Your Leadership Language?

Every organization has a language by which they communicate their true beliefs. The leaders, the employees, even how the customer talks about the organization make a significant impact on the moral and future opportunities. How we talk determines how things end up. Words have creative power and they have destructive power. They have the ability to […]

Great Leaders Know How To Conquer This…

To be a great leader you have to conquer yourself. You have to come to a place where you slay your own fears, self-worthlessness, failures, pride, worries, and limits. The best leaders are the ones who are confident in who they are. Not because of ego, but because of healthy self-assurance. Philosopher Lao Tzu said, “He […]

Leadership Lessons From Santa: Part 1

It can’t be easy being Santa. Imagine the demands that are put on you every year to execute a manufacturing, distribution, and customer service epicenter that is of global proportions. Each year millions of people relying on you to nail every detail on a non-negotiable time crunch. Santa does teach us some incredible lessons about […]

A Great Skill Every Leader Knows…

Connecting with others will require the skill to listen to what is being said “between the lines.” It is literally one of the greatest abilities a leader can have. Behind someone’s words is where their heart lies. That’s where you get to connect with another human being on a whole different level. Listening is about being […]

Connection Requires Disconnection

Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone were two of the most politically competitive rivals in Great Britain in the nineteenth century. Their battles were so intense in the political arena that it flowed over to their personal lives as well. They both were animated men who had a mastery of politics. However, Benjamin Disraeli was the […]