Category Archives: Leadership
Confidence Inspires Action

Dave Kaiser, a kicker for the Michigan State Spartans, had a moment in football history that will forever be remembered. During the 1956 Rose Bowl game, Michigan State and UCLA were tied at 14 with just a few seconds left. The Spartans had the ball with one 41 yard field goal attempt left. Coach Duffy […]
Remember: Your Team Is Motivated Differently

Every person on your team will have a different motivational style. Many leaders think that motivation is a one size fits all type of style. But each person is motivated by their specific flavor. Some people are motivated by external goals and tangible results while others are more internally motivated by feelings, emotion, purpose, and […]
Failure To Step Back
Leaders Create Winning Environments

Your team will reward you with great trust when they experience your ability to make them better. People want to follow a leader that they know will help them develop and achieve greater success. Think about it, no one wants to follow a leader who is unable to produce results. No one wants to be […]
The Eyes Of A Leader
I Don’t Believe In Failure

Failure can diminish hope very quickly. It has a way of stripping people of all ambitions and can easily open the door to premature thoughts of giving up and quitting; but, great leaders know that failure can be turned into a beautiful thing. It is actually the best growth lesson that can quickly teach us […]
Why We Need Freedom In The Work Place

Everyone produces differently. Some people thrive in a more structured environment, while others tend to do better in a non-structured environment. Leaders that know what kind of flow their team needs, will come to get the most out of them. When individuals feel trusted to work in their most productive environment they will produce more […]
The Authority + Influence Formula

The real test of empowerment is what happens when you are not around. Does your team have the authority and ability to get things done? You have to give authority for others to make decisions. By not releasing authority you can stall the process of progress. However, when others are trusted to make decisions they will rise […]