Great Leaders Are Great Listeners

The 3 Step Process Of Listening

The greatest leaders lead by listening. Woodrow Wilson said, “The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.” Leaders are not always the first ones to speak up, however they are the first ones to listen to what the people are saying. This equips them with the knowledge to then speak up and […]

Braveheart Leaders

3 Things You Must Do To Move Others Onward...

One of my favorite movies, Braveheart, with actor Mel Gibson, shares the story of William Wallace, a nobleman who rose up to fight for Scottish independence from France. There was also a man named Robert the Bruce who fought alongside William Wallace. In the movie, he betrays William, but then later rises up to lead […]

Leaders Are Doers

In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey taught that to begin with the end in mind is to start with a clear understanding of your target. Begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired outcome, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make […]

Being A Courageous Leader

4 Things To Think About...

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s book, The Fellowship of the Ring, there is a character named Samwise Gamgee. Samwise is met with the struggle to find the courage to step out from his hometown, the Shire, and into a life of adventure and danger. Tolkien demonstrates the idea of fear keeping us from going further in life […]

The Challenge Of Visionary Leaders

3 Ways To Handle Yourself When Others Don't Get It

Leaders are visionaries. They anticipate what is ahead and prepare accordingly. The ability to see things before others see them is a sign of a great leader. Anyone can report on what is currently happening, but a leader is able to report on what could happen in the future. They have an intuition that others […]

4 Questions To Ask That Will Indicate Someone’s Strengths

Here are 4 questions to ask that will indicate someone’s strengths… A) What are their passions? The areas people are most passionate about usually involve their strengths. By simply listening to the ideas that ignite their excitement will give you clues to their unique gifts. Find out what they read about, think about, and ask […]