Say Yes To The Best

Do you remember the national drug campaign that Nancy Reagan started in the 1980s? The slogan was “Just Say No!” The advertisement focused on the importance of saying “No” to peer pressure in the context of illegal drugs. The phrase “Just Say No” first emerged when Nancy Reagan was visiting Longfellow Elementary School in Oakland, […]

Remember My Name

Dale Carnegie taught that “There is no sweeter sound to any person’s ear than the sound of their own name.” When you remember someone’s name, it communicates that they matter to you. Names give a personal touch. There is a worth mechanism within us that is activated by the sound of our name. We feel […]

Know Yourself To Grow Yourself

“Know Thyself” was written on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi according to Greek writings. This saying became known all throughout the Greek culture as it spread throughout western philosophy. It continues to impact readers and give us a great starting point for self-awareness. And in the context of leadership, it is […]