The Hardest Person To Lead

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, “If you would create something, you must be something.” Empowerment is about improving your ability to lead yourself and others effectively. How you go through your leadership journey is just as important as what you go through. Being empowered to operate at your best enables you to experience the best. […]

Honor Up

The concept of honor has all but been erased from my generation and those that have come after. Honoring those in authority over us has become confused with earning respect. Honor is not dependent on performance or likability; it is something due to every person based on their intrinsic worth as human beings. Choosing to […]

Be A Sponge

Great leaders are like sponges; they soak up as much as they can from their leaders. Early in my leadership journey, I was fortunate to be surrounded by leaders who poured into my life, but I learned it was up to me to be available for what they had to offer. I remember a critical […]

4 Ways To Be A Better Vacationer

There is a massive problem in our country centered around the inability to vacate. This problem limits people to fulfill their God-given potential. But we must understand that we cannot be our best if we don’t know how to rest. Research has shown that employees who take consistent vacation days receive better scores on their […]