Category Archives: Uncategorized
L.I.F.E. Is Simple (Part 3)
If you have not read the previous blog posts about L.I.F.E. please do so before reading this post. L = Leadership I = Intentionality The next ingredient to live a flavorful L.I.F.E. is… F = Faith Matthew 9:27-30 As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, […]
L.I.F.E. Is Simple (Part 2)
L.I.F.E. Is Simple (Part 1)

Life is simple, just not easy. It can get incredibly overwhelming and confusing at times. Life is a roller coaster that has many ups & downs, twists & turns. Sometimes we are enjoying the ride, sometimes we feel like we want to throw up. Sometimes we yell “give me more!” sometimes we want to yell […]
New Blog Series Starting Monday, August 26th

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”20″ size_format=”px”]Does life seem to be overwhelming at times?[/typography] [typography font=”Cantarell” size=”20″ size_format=”px”]Do you want more out of your life?[/typography] [typography font=”Cantarell” size=”20″ size_format=”px”]Do you wonder if you are doing everything you should be doing in life?[/typography] If so, then get ready… I am going to be doing a new blog series starting […]
Are You An Action-Giver?

A Leader Must Give…Action Actions speak louder than words. Anyone can talk the talk, but leaders walk the talk. Leaders are action oriented. They do not want to sit around and deliberate all day, they want to produce. A leader’s heart is one of movement and advancement. They do not like to sit in one […]
Are You An Encourager?

A Leader Must Give…Encouragement In order to strengthen the heart of those around you, giving encouragement is not an option. A leader that fails to encourage their team will eventually find himself alone without a team. Encouragement does exactly what it says, it puts courage in others. When courage gets in others they will become […]
Are You A Hope-Dealer?

One of the greatest responsabilities of a Leader is to give…Hope When Britain’s legendary leader Winston Churchill was asked what his country’s greatest weapon had been against the Nazi regime of Hitler during World War II, he didn’t hesitate for a moment. He promptly replied, “It was what England’s greatest weapon has always been..hope.” What Churchill […]
Make Your Performance Louder Than Your Critics
What Are You Waiting For?

“The beginning is always today.” ~ Mary Shelley ~ There is never a better time to start doing what you’ve always wanted to do than now. The most underused word in our culture is NOW. Instead of waiting for something to happen, whatever happened to making it happen? Instead of hoping things turn out great, […]